The Culling

It’s Jank Thursday, so here’s a jank podcast and a jank comic. Enjoy!

Berds & Nerds
Episode 26 -Frodokemon
0:00 / 0:00


Artist's Note:

The Pokemon subreddit is a sight to behold! Also I greatly fear posting anything on there, due to uh…the incredibly devout fanbase.


Writer's Note:

Yeah it’s a Pokemon comic without any Pokemon in it, which is probably appropriate given the topic.

When you think about it, Pokemon has been doing paid DLC longer than anyone in the business. The only difference is that their paid DLC is even more egregious by virtue of coming in the form of a fully-priced game. What else would you call Pokemon Yellow or Ultra Sun/Moon? They’re not sequels; just minor changes plus an expanded Pokedex. Expect the same from Sword and Shield, as I’m skeptical the outraged fans will mount anything resembling a meaningful boycott.